Rue Eugène Moussoir at Moret - Winter
Alfred Sisley
Framed Canvas

Rue Eugène Moussoir at Moret - Winter
Framed Canvas

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  • Model:
  • Artist: Alfred Sisley

All sizes are approximate.

• Print / FREE Tracked Delivery - 4-5 business days (Approx.)

Our framed canvas prints are produced on a white 100% cotton canvas (410gsm) meeting the highest standards regarding density, colour gamut, colour graduation and image sharpness. Each canvas is produced using a 12 colour giclée fine art printing process and hand finished by one of the UK's most experienced canvas framing teams. Each canvas comes stretched and ready to hang made from the finest quality European kiln-dried knotless pine.

All our canvas prints are finished with a matt varnish coating. This help to preserve the integrity of your canvas image, protecting against airborne dirt/dust, sun fade, abrasions and fingerprints.

For our framed canvas we use a float frame which creates aunique and original work of art. The thin frame sits approximately 5mm from the edge of the canvas helping create a floating border. All frames are delivered fully strung, ready for hanging.

All sizes are approximate.
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When necessary we digitally enhance the colours from the original, sometimes to restore them back to their former glory and other times to leave you with a print that pops with colour. Certain images will also be cropped and resized to fit their intended media. If you require your print to resemble the original as closely as possible then we would be more than happy to oblige. Contact our team via who will provide you with sample images of the original before you place your order.

Rue Eugène Moussoir at Moret -Winter

Alfred Sisley


Shortly after Courbet exhibited a group of snowy landscapes in 1867, several younger artists, among them Monet, Renoir, and Sisley, explored the possibilities of landscapes executed in white or gray with just a few touches of bright color. Sisley, like Monet, continued to paint snow scenes for the rest of his life. This work, with its nuanced palette and expertly rendered brushstrokes, is one of several that Sisley made in winter 1891 at Moret, south of Paris. It depicts the rue Eugène Moussoir, bordered by the wall of the village hospital, just minutes from Sisley's home.

Information about this piece credited to the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Alfred Sisley was an Impressionist landscape painter who was born and spent most of his life in France, but retained British citizenship. He was the most consistent of the Impressionists in his dedication to painting landscape en plein air. He deviated into figure painting only rarely and, unlike Renoir and Pissarro, found that Impressionism fulfilled his artistic needs.

Among his important works are a series of paintings of the River Thames, mostly around Hampton Court, executed in 1874, and landscapes depicting places in or near Moret-sur-Loing. The notable paintings of the Seine and its bridges in the former suburbs of Paris are like many of his landscapes, characterized by tranquillity, in pale shades of green, pink, purple, dusty blue and cream. Over the years Sisley's power of expression and colour intensity increased.

Information about this piece credited to Google Arts & Culture: