The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon
Camille Pissarro
Premium Canvas

The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon
Premium Canvas

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  • Model:
  • Artist: Camille Pissarro

All sizes are approximate.

• Print + FREE Tracked Delivery - 4 to 5 business days (Approx.)

Our premium canvas prints are produced on a white 100% cotton canvas (410gsm) meeting the highest standards regarding density, colour gamut, colour graduation and image sharpness. Each canvas is produced using a 12 colour giclée fine art printing process and hand finished by one of the UK's most experienced canvas framing teams. Each canvas is stretched over a frame and ready to hang. Frames are made from the finest quality European kiln-dried knotless pine. Hanging kit is provided.

All our canvas prints are finished with a matt varnish coating. This help to preserve the integrity of your canvas image, protecting against airborne dirt/dust, sun fade, abrasions and fingerprints.

Mirror - We mirror the last 2 inches of the image and wrap this around the canvas. No part of the original image is lost.
• White - White edges and the image stops at the corner of the frame.
• Black - Black edges and the image stops at the corner of the frame.
NOTE: look product images to see examples.

All sizes are approximate.
All images contained on this website are copyrighted property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

When necessary we digitally enhance the colours from the original, sometimes to restore them back to their former glory and other times to leave you with a print that pops with colour. Certain images will also be cropped and resized to fit their intended media. If you require your print to resemble the original as closely as possible then we would be more than happy to oblige. Contact our team via who will provide you with sample images of the original before you place your order.



The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon

Camille Pissarro


Pissarro rented a large apartment at 204 rue de Rivoli in Paris for the first half of 1899. From its windows facing the Jardin des Tuileries, he painted six views of the garden, in which the twin steeples of the church of Sainte-Clotilde punctuate the vast expanse of sky. Attentive to changes in light, atmosphere, and climate, as well as to the comings and goings of strollers, at different times of day and seasons of the year, Pissarro was able to extract a variety of pictures from a single site.

Information about this piece credited to the The Metropolitan Museum of Art: